Cristian Buratti

Informatics and me

Hello and welcome to my personal website. My name is Cristian Buratti and I study informatics at USI. For my entire life I've been into this subject, at first I just used to play with them, but then, when I turned 13, I started to program in Python. After having learnt the most basic algorithms, I decided to explore a little bit more this world and ended up studying C/C++. I stuck with this programming language for a couple of years and developed my first real applications, like a chess platform and a software which was able to predict which number the user was going to choose. After C++ I decided that it was time to start using some more recent programming language, hence I learned how to code in Swift and I've spent the last two years developing mobile app.


In the last year I started to spend some of my time reading on Reddit and watching videos on TED about different facts and many kind of topics. One day, on TED, I have seen a video from the comedian James Veitch, in which he replied to spam emails. Since I found it very entertaining, I've decided to look up for some other videos of him, and I ended up on the following video, where he talks about how bad he is as a roommate. That being said, I hope you will enjoy it!


I don't really have a favourite song, I enjoy listening to many different styles of music and to many different artists. Therefore, I have decided to share with you one of the many songs I like, which has been modified and transformed into a so called 8D song. Basically, this means that it feels like the artist is singing while moving in a circle around your head. In order to fully appreciate this effect, headphones are strongly recommended.